Palletizing line body show:
◆ Palletizing production line--one machine and one line: |
One machine and one line: 1 conveyor line + 1 palletizing robot; Robot model: LP130, single gripper, able to grab one package at a time, maximum load: 50KG; LP180, single gripper, able to grab two packages at a time, maximum load: 80KG; Wire conveying speed: 330mm/s; Footprint: Width: 3840mm on one side, -6240mm on both sides. Length: 12640mm Line height: 1000mm Manipulator height: 3727.4mm |
◆ Palletizing production line--one machine and two lines: |
One machine with two lines: 2 conveyor lines + 1 palletizing robot;
Robot model: LP130, single gripper, able to grab one package at a time, maximum load: 50KG; LP180, double gripper, able to grab two packets at a time, maximum load: 80KG; Wire conveying speed: 330mm/s; Footprint: Width: 3840mm on one side, -6240mm on both sides. Length: 12640mm Line height: 1000mm Manipulator height: 3727.4mm |
◆ Palletizing production line--one machine and three lines: |
One machine with three lines: 3 conveyor lines + 1 palletizing robot;
Robot model: LP130, single gripper, able to grab one package at a time, maximum load: 50KG; LP180, double gripper, able to grab two packs at a time, maximum load: 80KG; Wire conveying speed: 330mm/s; Footprint: Width: 3840mm on one side, -6240mm on both sides. Length: 12640mm Line height: 1000mm Manipulator height: 3727.4mm |
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